Ham Radio
It's rather easy to get started in Amateur Radio! A straightforward multiple choice exam of 35 questions will test your basic understanding of the fundamentals of radio and FCC rules! Test results are simple PASS or NO PASS.
The question pool and all the correct answers are available to review online!

On passing your test, you will receive the coveted Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination, often simply referred to as your 'Ticket'. Soon the FCC website will reflect this success and issue you your Amateur Radio CALLSIGN, which becomes your 'on the air' identity!
The West Valley Ham Shack offers VE test sessions each month: 3rd Saturday at 9 AM in the summer (May thru Oct) and 1pm in the winter (Nov thru April) at 11115 W. Nevada Ave. Youngtown. Pre-register with Krissy Larson, Liaison/Manager Phone: 480-662-0511 cell or email: KI7GJJ@outlook.com WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?