Robert Shoemaker Memorial Station
Join us and have fun operating a first class Amateur Radio Station. Enjoy learning the digital modes, FT8, RTTY, PSK 31 to name a few. Enjoy fusion (C4FM) and analog FM on our Yaesu FTM100D. Any member who is licensed by the FCC may use the radio room during regular hours.
Our station includes the following:
Windows Computer
The WVHS repeater is 441.775 + pl 100
Visitors without licenses may accompany a licensed amateur to try speaking over the airwaves!
Our antenna 'farm' includes wire dipoles, directional K4KIO Hex beam that can be rotated to 'aim' at a distant station, and gain vertical antennas for the VHF and UHF bands.

Our station is dedicated to the memory of Bob Shoemaker, KG6EJW.
Bob was a very involved director for the West Valley Ham Shack.
He is now a Silent Key, falling victim to COVID 19.
He epitomized the amateur 'can do' spirit. He is missed by us all.