As I drove to the home of KI7GJJ, I had to trust my GPS for directions. The usual 'give-aways' of an antenna farm poking up into the air did not appear over Krissy's QTH in Glendale.
Still, on entering her dedicated room , or 'ham shack', there was no mistaking this den as that of an ultimate ham radio operator! The sound of radio conversations, multiple screens (I counted 4) devoted to reporting on radio conditions, contacts in progress, solar propagation, DMR activity, etc graced her shack, within easy reading of her operating position. She favors VHF/UHF while at home, and POTA operations on HF.
Krissy is 'into' radio. Following her first husband's death in 2011, Krissy set out to 'attack' life in an adventure marked by intellectual curiosity: She is frantic about learning, just as a SQUIRREL is frantic about gathering nuts for winter. 'Very broad interests, Not too focused, not too Deep' into any one subject matter, she claims. She chose ham radio as one of those interest in 2016, obtaining her EXTRA class license within 5 years.
Though she excels at technical topics, she also views life differently now with her husband Mike. She reads TAROT cards, has become a trained REIKI healer, and favors the quiet sounds of the outdoors (fishing, paddle boarding, hiking) to give nourishment to her soul and others.
She is a member of the Arizona Red Cross Communications Club, the Maricopa County Emergency Communications Club, The Arizona GMRS Club, the West Valley Amateur Radio Club, and the West Valley Ham Shack (where she is a director) No wonder her hybrid car logs so many miles each week!
Krissy needs little introduction, most of us know her smiling spirit. We are all lucky to have her among our ranks!